Fågelpenna Birdpen®

309,90 kr
3 - 6 dagars leveranstid
SKU 944090119

Krockar fåglar med dina fönster? Är du trött på klistermärken med fågelsiluetter? Då är kanske den här filtspetspennan med osynlig färg något för dig. Färgen är nästan osynlig för det mänskliga ögat, medan den upplevs som ett hinder för fåglarna, tack vara reflexer från ett UV-skikt. Levereras tillsammans med en skrapa för att ta bort färgränderna vid behov.


Bird and Glass - Normally a Fatal Encounter
In their natural habitat, birds can recognise  obstacles and fly around them easily. Glass surfaces of all kinds represent a considerable hazard for birds, however, since they cannot perceive these as obstacles or are deceived by the reflection. Millions of birds therefore die each year in collisions with glass surfaces. Our aim is to make glass surfaces recognisable for birds and thus harmless.

Serious hazards for birds include:

  •  Fully glazed buildings/offices
  • Mirrored facades
  • Bus shelters
  • Large windows
  • Conservatories
  • Glazed noise protection walls
  • Glazed tunnels
  • Corner window


The fact that birds have a different visual behaviour to us in the UV range has been recognised for a long time. The birdpen®incorporate this characteristic into their design. 

The bird collision issue is extremely complex: Not only do environmental and lighting conditions play a significant role but seasons and reflections on glass surfaces do too.

The birdpen® decals are intelligent and high-quality products. The stripes and  bird decals are practically invisible to us yet can be clearly perceived as an obstacle for birds by means of a special UV coating and are ideally a ixed on the side of the bird’s approach. In addition, both solutions di er from their visible counterparts primarily in terms of handling and appearance.


Dr Kolbe